Posted by: a1surf | June 11, 2010

The Bali Diaries – Part III

On return to the mainland we headed for Bingin with the idea that it’s fairly central to the stretch of waves on the Bukit peninsula. Accommodation sorted, we settled into our warung situated just at the end of Impossibles with a view south to Bingin and further to Dreamlands. 

Whilst staying here I really hoped to get the opportunity to surf Uluwatu which was high on my ‘must surf’ list. I had wanted for so long to visit this place having seen countless surf films and pictures showing perfect, never ending left handers, not to mention the temple situated on the headland. 

It certainly lived up to my expectations and looking down provides for a stunning clifftop view.  The swell was nothing to crazy, 3-4 ft and clean so a perfect starting size.  Paddling out through the cave at high tide is an experience! I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like paddling out there when it’s cranking Getting in at high tide is apparently no easier, with currents ready to sweep you around the corner to Padang Padang if you miss the diminutive entrance. 

At low tide as the lagoon empties to expose the reef, surfers, beach goers and kids all stream down from from the cliff top to make use of the sandy entrance to the lagoon and emerging shallow pools. 

 This week was the perfect end to the trip with some fun waves everyday surfing at either Ulu’s, Bingin or Impossibles. For me this truly was the trip of a lifetime and one that I would recommend to anyone.  I’m am already eyeballing a return for next year !!


  1. whats the name of the warung you stayed at overlooking bingin/dreamlands looks very nice!

    • Hi there
      There was no name to it really, the owner was Mama TomTom and thats what she had named it ! With your back to the sea it is the second last from the right ! Awesome spot, they were lovely accommodating people !

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