Posted by: a1surf | October 5, 2010

The best Quik Pro…

The theme applied to this years French leg of the world tour was the ‘Best Of….’ and its safe to say, the famous beach breaks certainly delivered the goods. Phew. It could have been the ‘Best Of…’ 2ft onshore slop which really would have pee-ed off the PR people, but thankfully the surf gods complied with general idea. Unfortunately I didn’t get to witness the last few rounds action first hand, but the initial days and the free surfs that ensued as the swell dropped was enough to keep me interested !

Days 1&2 kicked off in pretty chunky and almost confused conditions at times at Culs Nuls beach, with solid shifting peaks not exactly aided by the wafting winds. It was however sufficient to run the initial rounds with most of the expected rippers progressing to the third round, bar Slater who unusually found himself in the make or break Round 2.

As with previous years we were conveniently located at La Bourdaines beach, house sharing with the legendry Simon Anderson. One of the banks here would serve as the back up break to the favoured Culs Nuls site resulting in a few epic free surf sessions. With all the big names jostling for position amongst the locals in the limited take-off area, it took no time at all for the shoreline to become dotted with photograpers and spectators all hunting that elusive shot including myself. They certainly didn’t disappoint and for me it truly was a lesson in new school surfing. On reflection, if anything it’s pretty demoralising as you realise you’re as far away from that air reverse 360 or a Rodeo flip as you’ve ever been. (A bottom turn is pretty much my lot !)

In the meantime we were lucky to score a few great sessions on a left hand rip bank away from the maddening crowds around Seignosse and Hossegor. We had some company in the form of Matt Wilkinson, Ace Buchan (I think) and Glenn Hall on one of the days. I really enjoyed watching these guys from the water and as ever tried to look and learn ! Whereas you might think it would be difficult to get a wave with this lot in the water, I was called into a few waves and not once did they try and paddle up the inside !! So all in all a great week of surf. I’ll be booking my spot again for next year 🙂

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